7 Little things your girlfriend wants from you.
It's not just the hearts and flowers and gifts that can make your girl happy. There are things which are valued more than that. Just simple little things which each and every, I repeat EACH AND EVERY of you guys can do! You DO NOT need a big wallet for that! So guys, note down the points below 'Cuz its time to make your girl happy! Btw the numbering is not on any basis so you can start on with whatever you want. I'm sure she'll love you for all of them! 1. TEXT HER. Now. At this very moment.. Go and text her. Let it be anything."Hi, Love u, Miss u, You are beautiful, My sun & stars", anything. Unexpected compliments are a MUST! She loves to see your name in the notifications bar. :) 2. Listen to her CAREFULLY. Yes, it is true. A girl drops almost 2-3 hints a minute when she wants you to know something. 3. REMEMBER. This one will be very easy if you do the 2nd one. Girls love it when guys remember details of things we had mention...